Home 5 Drains 5 Causes and Signs Behind a Clogged Storm Drain | Plumbing Repair in Cleveland, TN

Causes and Signs Behind a Clogged Storm Drain | Plumbing Repair in Cleveland, TN

Causes and Signs Behind a Clogged Storm Drain   Plumbing Repair in Cleveland TN

Those who are familiar with storm drains know how handy they are in the storm season. Storm drains play an integral role in keeping your home free from floods amidst a raging rainstorm. Since these drains are not visible, homeowners tend to forget about them. The buildup of water may not be noticed till it is too late, which can cause flooding, mold, and other issues. So how does a storm drain get clogged?

What Makes the Storm Drains Clogged?

Your storm drains take water from sources like standing water in grassy areas, roof gutters, and other areas which are outside of your home. Many of these sources leave out a multitude of contaminants. These include soil, pebbles, twigs, leaves, and paper. As a consequence, it can accumulate in the catch basin and damage the outlet pipe.

Sometimes items like towels, toys, and shirts can also disrupt the grating and block the flow of water. If that happens, the operation of your storm drain can be severely affected and you will need a professional for plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN who can clean the pipe, basin, or the grate.

Fortunately, this is not something that should worry you. These contaminants are naturally present in the outside environment of the storm drain. Since the storm drains are known to funnel all things for the basin and let them out from the drain pipe, it is necessary to hire a certified plumber for plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN. Such an expert can check your storm drain regularly and offer routine maintenance. So, how frequent should these checks be? Ideally, you should have them every six months. Your plumber has to assess your drain and eliminate the contaminants from the grate to keep it 100% operational.  

How to Know Your Storm Drain Is Blocked

As a homeowner, you have to look for a number of signs to see if your storm drain is working alright and call for a plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN accordingly.

Broken Storm Pipe

Sometimes, storm pipes are damaged because of normal wear and tear. When roots grow inside the storm pipes, they can cause cracks. Once a pipe is damaged, it can make the drain pipe prone to blockages. It is important to note that this damage is not visible. Therefore, you have to contact a dependable plumber for plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN.

Improper Installation

It is important to realize that even if you are on a tight budget, you should not try to save costs on a number of home repairs, and the installation of storm pipes is one of them. To save costs, some common errors include the following.

  • Sometimes, uncertified and inexperienced plumbers advertise services. These individuals charge lesser fees to make up for their lack of expertise. As a consequence, they are hired for the repair job. Due to the lack of sufficient expertise, they botch up the job. At first, you might not know it but after some days the effects of their shoddy job will surface. Therefore, always hire experienced and licensed professionals for plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN.
  • Sometimes, homeowners try to follow DIY (do it yourself) guides. These guides may or not have been written by professionals. The installation of storm pipes requires expert hands.

As a result of faulty installation, your water flow in the pipes can decrease and your pipes are damaged, forcing you to call a plumber for maintenance.

Natural Debris

Do you know that when roots or leaves penetrate storm drains, they can cause a blockage for your external drains?

According to an expert from a plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN, leaves and other foreign agents can clog your storm pipes as they accumulate in the drain pipe. These occurrences usually happen in spring and autumn. Additionally, the tree roots can enter directly to your storms drains, which can cause your drain with a problematic blockage. If you have gum trees, oak trees, palm trees, magnolia, and boxwood shrubs around your home, then these tree blockages are common.

If you want to make sure that your drain is not clogged or blocked by natural debris build up, then you should make sure that the space around your storm drains is free from any contaminants.

Heavy Rains

Strong rainstorms can block your storm drain; it is not unusual. According to a plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN, many local homes have drain pipes which are not designed to handle heavy storms and rains. As a consequence, this can cause the drain pipes to overflow and the resulting build up can accumulate on the roof of your home. After inspecting your storm drains, a professional from a plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN can recommend you to install a bigger drain pipe for addressing weather concerns.

The blockages of drain pipe can create a slew of problems. What happens is that it forces the accumulation of water on your home’s roof. Consequently, the water then begins to leak and drips drown from your home’s ceiling. Hence, it can inflict significant damage on the structural foundations of your home.

Final Thoughts

Do you think something is wrong with your storm drains? If you feel they are not working properly then you should look for a reliable storm drain cleaning service. You can do this by contacting Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air.

Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air has provided plumbing services to the local residential and commercial residents since 1989. If you need help for your storm drain cleaning, then just dial our number and call us so we can schedule an appointment. We will quickly send our best plumbers for plumbing repair in Cleveland, TN to resolve the issue timely.




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