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Choosing The Right Furnace Repair Specialist in Cleveland, TN

Furnace Repair – Are You Calling the Right Heating and Air Condition Service in Cleveland TN

In Cleveland, TN, the climate can be unpredictable, with sudden shifts from scorching heat to chilly nights. This makes it essential for homeowners to maintain their heating and cooling systems, especially before the extreme weather seasons arrive. One crucial aspect of this is ensuring your furnace is in top shape. But how do you know if you’re calling the right heating and air conditioning service in Cleveland, TN, when issues arise?

Common Furnace Issues

  1. Pilot Flame Issues: One common furnace problem is a missing pilot flame. If your furnace’s pilot light isn’t igniting, even though gas is flowing, the orifice might be clogged with debris. Turn off the circuit breaker and gas, clean the area thoroughly, and try again. If the pilot light still won’t ignite, it’s time to call a professional.
  2. Heat Pump Failure: Heat pumps play a vital role in maintaining your home’s temperature. If your thermostat is set correctly and circuits are functioning but the heat pump still isn’t working, it might be time for expert intervention.
  3. Furnace Running, No Temperature Change: If your furnace runs but the temperature in your home doesn’t change, the issue could be with your ducts. Ensure that the ducts are properly sealed and that nothing is obstructing the registers.


1. Why is my furnace blowing cold air?

Your furnace may blow cold air due to a misconfigured thermostat, clogged filter, or extinguished pilot light. A dirty filter can cause the furnace to overheat and shut down the burners. If these basic checks don’t resolve the issue, it might be a more complex problem, like a faulty heat exchanger. It’s best to contact a professional heating and air condition service in Cleveland, TN, for an accurate diagnosis.

2. How often should I service my furnace?

It’s recommended to service your furnace annually, ideally before the heating season starts. Regular maintenance improves efficiency, extends the furnace’s lifespan, and reduces the risk of breakdowns. During service, a technician will clean components and check for issues. In areas with harsh winters like Cleveland, TN, bi-annual maintenance might be beneficial. Regular servicing is also important to maintain your furnace’s warranty.

3. What should I do if my furnace won’t turn on?

If your furnace won’t turn on, first check that the thermostat is set to “heat” and the temperature is correct. Ensure the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped and the pilot light is lit. A clogged air filter could also be the culprit. If none of these steps work, it may be a more serious issue, such as a faulty ignition system, requiring a professional heating and air condition service in Cleveland, TN.

4. How can I improve my furnace’s efficiency?

To improve your furnace’s efficiency, regularly replace or clean air filters, ensure your thermostat is correctly programmed, and seal any ductwork leaks. Consider using a programmable or smart thermostat to optimize energy use. Annual maintenance by a professional heating and air condition service in Cleveland, TN, is also essential. If your furnace is old, upgrading to a more energy-efficient model might be a good investment.

5. Is it better to repair or replace my furnace?

If your furnace is under 10-15 years old and repair costs are low, repairing may be more cost-effective. However, frequent breakdowns, increased energy bills, or repair costs exceeding 50% of a new furnace’s price suggest it’s time to replace. Newer models offer better energy efficiency. A professional heating and air condition service in Cleveland, TN, can help you make the best decision based on your furnace’s condition.

Schedule Your Furnace Repair Service Today!

Your heating and cooling system is a critical component of your home, providing comfort and efficiency. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to avoid higher energy bills and frequent issues. While some basic troubleshooting can be done by homeowners, it’s always best to consult with professionals for complex problems. Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air offers reliable services in Cleveland, TN, and is available 24/7 for emergency assistance.

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