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Picking the Perfect Water Heater: What Matters Most

Hot water boiler. Boiler room with a heating system

Choosing a New Water Heater: What Matters Most

So, you’re on the hunt for a new water heater. With all the options out there, you’re wondering, what really counts when making this decision? Let’s break down the important things to keep in mind when picking your replacement.

Types of Water Heaters

Water heaters come in two main types: the one with a tank and the tankless version. Traditional ones keep water ready, while tankless only heat it when you need it. Tankless saves energy, especially during heavy use. The choice depends on your needs and habits.

Fuel Source: Gas or Electric

Water heaters run on gas or electric power. Gas is often cheaper, while electric has its benefits. If you’re somewhere without gas access, propane or oil are options. Costs vary based on location and fuel prices.

Size, Cost, and Efficiency

Your new water heater needs to fit your home’s needs. If your old one worked, go for a similar size. Tankless heaters are efficient but pricier upfront. Proper maintenance ensures a longer lifespan and efficiency.

Metro Sewer and Plumbing Has You Covered

Thinking about a new water heater in Chattanooga? Reach out to Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air at (423) 250-9376. We’re here to guide you and make sure you choose the right fit for your home.

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