Home 5 Plumbing 5 Everything You Need To Know About Septic Tank Plumbing | Cleveland, TN

Everything You Need To Know About Septic Tank Plumbing | Cleveland, TN

Everything You Need To Know About Septic Tank Plumbing   Cleveland TN
Photo By Bonita R. Cheshier at Shutterstock

If you’ve lived in a property in the past that’s connected to the municipal sewer system, you may find the idea of having your own septic tank a bit daunting. While septic tanks do require to be emptied occasionally, they don’t usually need much maintenance. You shouldn’t be worried about owning a septic system, as it is very common, especially in rural properties. Many companies offer septic tank plumbing, so if anything goes wrong, you’ll be able to call in the experts and have it fixed.

If you’re searching for septic tank plumbing in Cleveland, TN, or the surrounding area, don’t hesitate to contact Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air. The company specializes in septic tanking plumbing, including installation and repair. They can also undertake other kinds of plumbing work and can install and maintain air conditioning units and heating systems.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about septic tank plumbing, whether you’re looking for tank installation or are wondering how often your septic tank needs to be pumped out and cleaned.

How Does A Septic Tank Work?

Your septic system works by removing wastewater from your home. This includes the wastewater from having a shower, using the toilet, washing dishes, or using a dishwasher or washing machine. This water will all be transported into a tank that’s buried in your garden.

The septic tank will hold the water long enough for the solids to sink to the bottom. Any oils and grease from kitchen water or soap debris will float to the top. The solids are known as sludge, and these will remain in your septic tank to be broken down by bacteria. It’s important not to put a lot of bleach or other chemicals down your toilet as this will cause an imbalance in the bacteria and lead to problems with your septic tank.

When the wastewater reaches a certain level, it will flow away into a drainage field. Pipes will transport the wastewater away from the septic tank, and it will soak away. Over time your septic tank will start to fill up as more and more sludge builds up. Eventually, you’ll need to have your septic tank pumped out to empty it.

The Benefits of a Septic Tank

One of the main benefits of having a septic tank is that you’ll no longer have to pay utility bills for sewage. Over the years, this will add up to a significant amount of money that you’ve saved. Having a septic tank will also allow you to be self-contained; your own septic system will not suffer if there are any interruptions in services which can sometimes happen when relying on a municipal system.

In most cases having a septic tank requires minimum maintenance.

The Disadvantage of Having a Septic Tank

There are several disadvantages to having a septic tank, the main one being that you’ll need to own enough land to have one installed. If you live in the countryside, this shouldn’t be a problem as you’ll be more likely to have a big enough garden to house an underground tank. In some cases, septic tanks can also be installed on neighboring farmland with the landowner’s permission. But there are disadvantages to this if a vehicle was to drive over the septic tank; it could cause it to crack and leak, thus becoming ineffective.

Nowadays, developers tend to build more homes per acre of land, which reduces the size of the gardens, meaning that there may not be enough space to have a septic tank installed.

If there’s an issue with your septic tank, it will be your responsibility rather than the municipalities to fix or replace the tank. This can easily be achieved by calling a company who specialises in septic tank plumbing.

How Are Septic Tanks Installed?

Septic systems can be installed by a septic tank plumbing company. Septic systems usually use a combination of gravity and water flow pipes that are installed on a slope. A septic tank will need to be installed at a certain minimum distance from your home. Some rules govern the drain field, which must be adhered to. A septic tank shouldn’t be installed near a well, swimming pool or neighboring property. It should also be installed far enough away from large trees as tree routes can damage septic tanks. Roots that grow against the tank or pipes can cause cracks in the septic system.

Sometimes a pump will also need to be installed to move the wastewater to the drain field. If you’re purchasing a home with a septic tank, you’ll need to take the rules and regulations into account, especially if you plan to build a swimming pool or additional properties on your land.

It’s never a good idea to drive over the septic tank or drive on the drain field. You should avoid putting heavy objects, including sheds over the pipes.

How Often Does a Septic Tank Need to be Emptied?

Septic tanks will need to be pumped out occasionally. If a septic tank is kept in good condition and has the correct bacteria, this will cause the solids to rot down. You, therefore, shouldn’t need to have your septic tank emptied very often.

Most people need to have their septic tank pumped out every five years or so, but the frequency will depend on how many people live in your home and how much water is being used.

Each household will vary slightly in how often their septic tank will need to be pumped out. It’s a good idea to avoid using bleach as this will kill the bacteria in your septic system, which will mean it will need to be pumped out more often. You should never flush items such as sanitary pads or diapers down the toilet, which will block the septic tank. If you’re experiencing problems with your septic system such as leaks or blockages you can call a septic tank plumbing company to resolve the issue.

Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air, Septic Tank Plumbing

If you live in Cleveland, TN, or the surrounding area and are searching for septic tank plumbing, don’t hesitate to contact Metro Plumbing, Heating, and Air at 423-250-3502. The team offers all types of heating and cooling services, as well as septic tank plumbing.

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