Home 5 Plumbing 5 How Your Plumbing System Works And How Professional Maintenance From A Plumber Can Protect It | Chattanooga, TN

How Your Plumbing System Works And How Professional Maintenance From A Plumber Can Protect It | Chattanooga, TN

How Your Plumbing System Works And How Professional Maintenance From A Plumber Can Protect It   Chattanooga TN
Photo By photovs at istock

If you are new to homeownership or simply want to better understand how to care for your home’s systems you need to understand what those systems are and how they work. This is especially true for the plumbing system. Plumbing is complex and involves many components. For better plumbing care, experts suggest hiring a plumber or plumbing company for recurring plumbing services. Hiring a professional to take care of all of your plumbing maintenance, repairs, and upgrades, will help you protect your investment, increase the value of your home, prevent common plumbing malfunctions, reduce the number of repairs needed, and help maintain a sanitary environment. If you live in the Chattanooga, TN, area, and are in need of a licensed, reoccurring plumber for maintenance, repairs, and upgrades, contact Metro Plumbing.

A Brief Overview of How Your Plumbing Works

Your plumbing system is made up of several different fixtures, appliances, and sub-systems. All of these components work together to provide the water, sewage, and sometimes gas, that your home needs to operate properly. If any of these components were to fail or malfunction in any way, it could cause serious damages. If the plumbing system does start to malfunction, contact a professional for urgent repair and evaluation right away. The faster you act the less damage will occur.


Your plumbing is made up of a water supply system, sewage system, pipelines, fixtures, appliances, and sometimes a gas plumbing system. If your home’s appliances are powered by electricity then you may not have a gas plumbing system. The water supply system supplies fresh water to the home. This system includes a series of pipe fixtures. The sewage and drainage system are two peas in a pod. The drainage system directly connects to the sewage system, which varies from community to community. Sewage systems may either lead to a public sewer or a septic tank. The major plumbing appliances include the toilet, water heater, septic tank, sump pump, and other plumbing components that make up the whole of your plumbing system. Maintaining all of these components can be done with the help of a professional, reoccurring plumber.

The Water Supply System

The water supply system is sometimes referred to as the distribution system. This system is made up of pipes, tans, valves, and fixtures. The water supply system provides water from your water supply company, all the way to your home. The water is usually distributed from a water treatment plant or reservoir. This water is sent all over a community for convenient access.

The water supply system must remain clean and fully operational at all times, to prevent water contamination and property damage. The water supply system should be one of the most stable components of a property’s plumbing system. If the water supply system isn’t stable in your local area, professionals will have to make immediate repairs. A faulty water supply system can be extremely dangerous and unhealthy for the individuals who have to use that water.

Older homes and properties sometimes have issues with the water supply system due to natural wear and tear or contamination of the water. When plumbing systems started growing in popularity, cast iron was used as the main source of piping. Cast iron will become rusted easily, which will contaminate your bathing, cooking, cleaning, and water in your home. This can make you or others sick if consumed or used for the body. Contact a plumber is brown or discolored in any way.

How A Plumber Can Help You Care for Your Home

It’s suggested that homeowners have a professional service their home, at least once a year. Preventive maintenance plumbing techniques will reduce the number of plumbing malfunctions you may experience. Although your plumbing system was built to last, other factors, such as renovation, faulty installation, and natural wear and tear can cause your home’s plumbing system to malfunction. Preventive maintenance techniques can prevent malfunctions from occurring by repairing issues before they become problems. Preventive maintenance techniques also help by maintaining the efficiency and functionality of your plumbing components and appliances. Your home’s plumbing system needs regular maintenance and upkeep in order to remain efficient and operational.

Gas Plumbing Efficiency and Safety

Not every home has gas plumbing. If your home is electricity-powered, then you would need to contact an electrician for the appliances that are usually powered by gas. However, gas-powered appliances must be maintained and repaired by a professional. Appliances that typically use gas for operation are water heaters, HVAC systems, stoves, ovens, grills, dryers, and hot tubs.

If your home is gas-powered, it is important to pay attention to your home’s gas appliances and plumbing. If your home is gas-powered, chances are your water heater, stove, and dryer are all gas-powered as well. Over the course of moving, installation, renovation, and more, the gas plumbing can become damaged, faulty, or malfunction in other ways. This is an extremely dangerous situation that must be alleviated immediately. You may be able to tell if your gas plumbing is functioning inefficiently if you can smell gas. The gas used to heat and power your appliances is usually odorless, however, the odor is added to this natural gas in order to help individuals protect themselves. If you smell gas, you need to contact an emergency plumber for urgent repair.

If you smell the slightest hint of gas, you should take action. The only time you should smell gas is when you attempt to turn on the gas stove. If you smell gas any other time, you need to take action to keep you and your property safe.

Water Heater Maintenance

There are a few different types of heaters available. The main types of heaters available are the conventional tankless water heater and the tankless water heater. Water heaters can be powered by gas or electricity. Both gas and electric water heaters require regular maintenance from a plumber. Water heaters last an average of 9 to 12 years, your plumber can help you maximize the longevity of your water heating system by properly maintaining and repairing it periodically.

Hiring a reoccurring plumber for professional plumbing system maintenance includes the maintenance of your water heating appliance. You may be wondering what kind of maintenance your water heating system needs. Water heaters actually need to be cleaned on a routine basis. The freshwater that is streaming through your plumbing system is full of different properties, such as minerals and different chemicals used to treat and clean your home’s water. The minerals in the water can sometimes clump together. This is known as something called sediment build-up. This sediment build-up could affect the quality of your water, as well as affect the integrity of your water heating machine. Sediment builds up is more common in conventional water heaters than it is in tankless water heaters. Sediment builds up could also cause damage to the tank of your water heater. In order to prevent sediment from building up in your water heater, it is important to contact a professional for routine, water heater flushing. If you live in or Chattanooga, TN, contact Metro Plumbing for all of your plumbing and water heater maintenance needs.

Sump Pumps to Prevent Flooding

A sump pump is a device that is placed below the level of your basement floor. The sump pump is designed and installed to help direct water away from your basement and into the ground where it belongs. Basements are commonly being flooded. This happens when the ground becomes too saturated. When this happens, water will begin to seep into your basement. In order to prevent this, the sump pumps are installed on an incline. This attracts the water to the sump pump. The appliance then directs the water elsewhere.

If you do not have a sump pump already, you may need to have one installed. Sump pumps can be installed and maintained by a professional in order to prevent the common flooding of your property’s basement. Basement flooding is a huge issue that can lead to a slew of problems. Flooding basements lead to mold, property damage, and more. To prevent basements from flooding you can have a sump pump professionally installed.

If your home already has a sump pump, it is probably a second thought, until your basement begins to flood again. This can happen in areas, where rain is frequent. Having a sump pump installed is a good idea for any area, especially due to the possibility of unforeseen weather-related events. If you live in an area where precipitation is highly likely, contact your local plumbing company for urgent installation.

Sump pump failure can happen when your sump pump is overloaded with work or is old. If your sump pump is old and overloaded with work you may end up needing to replace it or adding another one. Some basements use more than one sump pump in order to keep up with the influx of water. If the rain in your area is heavier than most, you may need to have a sump pump installed. If you live in or around the Chattanooga, TN, area, and are in need of a professional plumber for sump pump installation, contact Metro Plumbing.

The Benefits of Professional Drain Cleaning

Hiring a professional plumber to help you maintain and clean your drains may be one of the single most important benefits of preventive maintenance plumbing. Drain cleaning should always be performed by a professional plumber. Hiring a reoccurring plumber for drain cleaning services can help you save money, prevent property damage, and more. Cultivating a professional relationship with your plumber all helps in times of emergency and urgent need. If you need urgent drain clearing services your professional preventive maintenance plumber will also be able to assist. If you live In the Chattanooga, TN, area, and are in need of professional drain cleaning services, hire a licensed plumber from Metro Plumbing for recurring drain cleaning.

Save Money

You may wonder how professional drain cleaning can save you money. Having your drains cleaned at least once a year can reduce the number of clogs that form in your drains. A reduced number of clogs equals fewer calls to the emergency plumber. Dirty or clogged drains can also become weekends either by the clog itself or over-the-counter drain cleaning methods used to clean the drains at home. Cleaner drains mean there will be less damage and therefore less money spent on those repairs.

Cleaner and Less Damaged Drains

Using over-the-counter methods to clean drains can be detrimental to your home’s drainage system. Professional drain cleaning is typically done with a hydro-jet. Hydro-jets are professional appliances used to power wash things such as drains. This device shoots out water at extremely high speeds in order to forcefully remove dirt and debris. The hydro-jet will work perfectly fine on your drains if they are cleaned periodically and do not already have a clog. If a clog is present, your plumber will most likely use a snake to remove it. This method of clearing the drain is also extremely effective and will remove any blockages with one swell swoop.

Cleaning the drain with DIY methods such as over-the-counter, chemical drain cleaner can cause damage to the drain line. These chemicals can also be harsh if they were to get on the skin or other parts of the body. Chemical drain cleaners are also less than ideal, due to the likelihood of debris being left behind in the drains. If you live in or around the Chattanooga TN, area, and are in need of professional drain cleaning services, contact the professional plumbing service providers at Metro Plumbing.

Professional drain cleaning will also prevent mold, bacteria, and other dangerous microorganisms from forming due to grime and debris build-up. Drain cleaning could be done annually or biannually for the best results. The frequency of this service depends on your household wants and needs.

The bottom line is professional plumbing maintenance can help you improve your overall quality of life. Keeping up with your household involves the maintaining and cleaning of all your home’s surfaces and systems. A professional plumber can help you maintain your plumbing system and prevent system decay. This in turn will protect your investment and your property’s value. If you live in or around the Chattanooga, TN, area, contact Metro Plumbing, Heating, Air and Septic to schedule your preventive maintenance plumbing service today.

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