Home 5 Plumbing 5 Why You Need Septic Tank Repair in Cleveland, TN

Why You Need Septic Tank Repair in Cleveland, TN

Septic Tank Repair   Cleveland TN
Photo By nito100 at istock

Specialists in Septic Tank Repair

Metro Plumbing Heating & Air is a family-owned operation working in Bradley County since 1989. We hire expertly-trained technicians to serve the people of Cleveland, TN. Inviting a tradesperson into your home involves risk and trust in our modern world with all its dangers.

You can trust plumbers from Metro Plumbing Heating & Air because we perform extensive background checks and drug and alcohol screens before we allow any of our team members to serve our customers. Metro Plumbing is a proud member of the Better Business Bureau and we’ve always kept an A+ rating!

Why Septic Tank Repair?

While Cleveland, TN is the 14th largest city in the state but within 15 minutes drive lies the dramatically gorgeous Blue Ridge Mountains, Cherokee National Forest, and the popular rafting rivers of Hiwassee and Tennessee. The abundance of natural beauty in Bradley County is part of the reason many people rely on septic tank plumbing.

Septic tank systems provide many homes with the ability to live in the wilderness without sacrificing modern conveniences like plumbing. However, there are additional costs to maintaining a septic tank and this system will require regular repair.

Septic tank plumbing consists of an underground alcove created from fiberglass, plastic, and concrete where a home’s sewage water undergoes a basic treatment.

Septic tanks are classified as on-site sewage facilities (OSSF). On-site sewage facilities are most frequently used in areas where the household wastewater cannot connect and be filtered by the city’s sewage system – like many areas in and surrounding this one.

Septic tank plumbing provides modern comforts while living in areas like the naturally wild Cherokee National Forest. Yet, there are many components to maintaining a septic tank plumbing system and they can cause serious issues like sewage polluting the groundwater. If you’re new to using an OSSF you should expect and anticipate at least one septic tank repair within the first six months.

We offer a specialty in septic tank repair locally. We hire the best tradespeople who train with experts to provide streamlined solutions while remaining clear and open about pricing and the length and duration of the work required. Many of our services are guaranteed or we will make it right!

Septic Tank Care

If your septic tank is expelling foul odors or if the toilet won’t flush, it might be because your septic tank and plumbing system may need attention. The septic tank filters the household wastewater into a separate drain area which treats the sewage by breaking down solid waste.

The term septic cites the essential anaerobic bacteria which grow inside the septic tank plumbing system. The bacteria decompose the waste that’s released into the tank.

Septic tank plumbing systems are frequently mixed with other on-site sewage facilities (OSSF) like other aerobic (bacterial growth) networks that work to further dismantle the larger bits of waste in conjunction with the pre-existing anaerobic bacteria.

Routine Maintenance Protects Septic Tanks

Any experienced septic tank owner can tell you that routine maintenance is essential in maintaining the health of your plumbing system while preventing messy problems associated with a septic system. At an absolute minimum your septic tank system must be pumped every 2 to 4 years. Any less than that and you’ll need repairs which can be much more costly than routine maintenance.

Yet, if you want the plumbing to operate at an optimal level then it’s necessary to care for your septic system more frequently. To do so requires the understanding that the septic tank system should be serviced every, single year.

A well-managed septic tank system will last a lot longer than one that hasn’t been regularly maintained. We’ve seen routinely serviced septic tanks last for over a decade. On the flip side, ignored systems can triple the cost of septic tank repair.

Regular pumping of the septic tank will prevent these additional costs in the future. Please don’t hesitate to call Metro Plumbing Heating and Air if you suspect the septic tank system is malfunctioning. Attending the issue quickly can often reduce repair costs too! However, if the waste-water floods the groundwater it’ll be that much more of an expensive fix!

Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air Plumbing Services

  • Sewer Line Repair
  • Septic Tank Repair
  • Sump Pumps
  • Water Filtration Maintenance
  • Residential & Commercial Plumbing
  • Repair and Installation of Faucets, Fixtures & Sinks
  • Garbage Disposal Clearing
  • Hydro Jetting & Jet-Vacuum Services

Watch What You Flush

If there’s one way to ruin your septic tank it’s by flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper. Feminine products, hair, and bleach all damage the system and the living bacteria which slows the functionality of the tank.

Be careful about what is thrown down the toilet. The only things that should be entering the tank are toilet paper and sewage. Be particularly mindful about beauty cleansing pads, baby wipes, and flush-able towels-even if it states that the items are flush-able on the packaging.

Remember that beauty and baby brands are trying to sell their wares, not protect your delicate plumbing! We commonly service households who could have saved themselves an extensive septic tank repair if they hadn’t allowed these consumer goods to be flushed down the toilet.

OSSF Red Flags

A common issue with a septic tank is when the septic cavity overflows with excess sewage rising and soaking into the ground while ruining the groundwater. It’s vital to be knowledgeable about how fecal sludge builds up.

A frequent septic tank repair need is when the wastewater grows faster than the bacteria can decompose the material. Periodically, draining the sludge using a vacuum truck service can save you hundreds of dollars in future repair efforts.

Look out for red flags like foul odors coming from your household drains and overflowing toilets because these flags will indicate to you it is time for a septic tank repair or draining.

Sludge build-up is common among OSSF households. If wastewater is draining into the sinks in your home, then this usually indicates that the sludge has exceeded its capacity.

Please call Metro Plumbing Heating & Air with any questions you might have about septic systems!

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