Home 5 Septic 5 Signs You Need Septic Tank Pumping | Cleveland, TN

Signs You Need Septic Tank Pumping | Cleveland, TN

If your home is not connected to the city’s sewerage system, then you will need an individual septic tank to hold your household waste. Even though it may not be a prevalent topic in conversations, it is one of the most crucial elements of your property.

Proper septic tank maintenance can help your septic tank give you numerous years of service. You only need to pay some attention to your septic tank to know that you are in need of septic tank pumping.

The most common reason for which you need septic tank service is a filled tank. A full septic tank could mean several things. One thing it could mean is that your tank is filled to normal level. If the tank is filled to normal level, the water level will be at the level that the septic tank was designed to hold. Water can flow out of the drainage area if sludge has accumulated in the septic tank. The tank can also be overfilled whereby the tank stops accepting water and water fills the overflow tank.

You should perform septic tank pumping regularly. If you do not, you should check how long it has been since your tank was last cleaned.

However, there are certain factors that will determine your tank pumping interval. Such factors include tank size, household size and the volume of waste.

There are signs for which to look out to know if you require septic tank pumping including:

Pooling Water

Pooling water is a common sign that you need septic tank pumping. Although the pooling can happen in a variety of areas, pay attention to the lawn or field around the tank’s drain field.

Pooling water around your septic tank is a clear-cut sign that you need septic tank pumping. If your septic tank is functioning properly your lawn should be dry. However, solid waste can block the tank’s piping system and push liquid waste to service that spills over onto your lawn.

The flooded part of your lawn will look increasingly lush and different from other parts of the lawn. It is because the excess liquid waste is functioning as fertilizer.

You should definitely call a Cleveland, TN septic tank cleaner if you experience water pooling around your septic tank.


Foul smell is another tell-tale sign that you need septic tank pumping. Your septic tank ought to dispose of your sewage waste and should not produce any odor.

The reason your septic produces odor is because your tank is also responsible for collecting and treating all the gray water that is collected from showers, cleaning dishes and doing laundry among others household chores. When the grey water is combined with water from the toilets, it forms a potent mix producing all manner of foul smells.

You will notice the smells particularly when you are around the drain field or above the septic tank. However, you may smell odors around your septic tank after septic tank pumping which suggest that the source of the odor is something else, not a filled tank.

If so you should call a septic tank specialist in Cleveland, TN to come and check it out.

Slow Drains

The drains in your home should have liquids inside them flowing smoothly and swiftly. If the contrary is the case, it may be an indication that you need septic tank pumping.

When your septic tank is full and in need of emptying, it can will lead to some liquid being held in the drains. If so, your drains will not transport solid and liquid waste as efficiently as it should. Slow drains can be noticed whenever you flush the toilet or drain the bathtub or any sink.

Slow drains may be symptomatic of something other than a full septic tank. You can try several troubleshooting solutions such as commercial draining products to find out if the issue affects a single drain or many drains.

If it is the latter, then you will need to clean your septic tank. A call to a septic tank cleaner in Cleveland, TN will be in order.

Sewage Backup

One of the most obvious and probably most disgusting signs that you need septic tank pumping is sewage backup. Sewage backing up into your toilet, bathtub and sinks is a sign of an imminent problem with your septic tank.

Raw sewage is a potent health risk that can cause a plethora of medical conditions on your home if not attended to properly. Sewage back up usually has a foul smell and is black in color.

You may also have trouble flushing if you have sewage back up in your drains. You will have to confirm by trying to flush other toilets to confirm that it is a systemic issue that indicates a full septic tank.

You need to call a septic tank professional in Cleveland, TN right away if you see any sewage backup in your home’s drainage.

Nitrate Concentration

You need to test your water regularly to check for high levels of nitrate concentration. Unhealthy levels of nitrates in the water is an indication that you may need to call a professional for septic tank pumping.

When your septic tank is full, bacteria and nitrates sip into the soil and the surrounding water. The above elements are extremely dangerous and should not be consumer at any cost.

The level of nitrate concentration pertains to those who utilize well water.

Surprisingly Healthy Lawn

If your street shares the same landscaper but your lawn surprisingly looks much better than your neighbors’ it is not time to brag. In fact, your celebration may soon turn into woe.

The excess waste from a full septic tank may unintentionally fertilize your lawn. Your lawn will then grow faster and be much healthier than other lawns. Therefore, an excessively lush lawn is a sign that you may need to call Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air your septic tank specialist in Cleveland, TN.

Paying regular attention to your septic tank is the best way to know if you need septic tank pumping. It is the key to proper septic tank maintenance.

A full septic tank will cause a lot of trouble inside your property and it may cause problems outside your home as well. It would serve you well to remember a rule of thumb: pump your septic tank every 3 to 5 years.

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