Home 5 Plumbing 5 Top Sump Pump Services From Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air | Chattanooga, TN

Top Sump Pump Services From Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air | Chattanooga, TN

Top Sump Pump Services From Metro Plumbing Heating Air Chattanooga TN
Photo By GeorgePeters at istock

We assist both residential and commercial clients with a range of sump pump services, including installation, maintenance, and repair. Whether you’re in metropolitan Chattanooga or the surrounding area, we can provide you with the service that you need.

1. Sump Pump Service Inspections

Many homeowners and business owners might not think to check their sump pump regularly unless there is an issue. A sump pump is often the only line of protection against basement flooding, so it’s crucial that regular sump pump services check the overall quality of your home’s equipment and drainage facility.

Sump pump pits and sump pump drainage lines can accumulate dirt, rocks, and other debris that requires regular cleanout to keep your sump pump operational. A build-up of debris will reduce drainage effectiveness and may even cause leaks that are expensive to repair. Sump pumps are designed to stop water from flooding basements, moving water away from your home’s foundation, and preventing damage from an abundance of rainwater or stagnant groundwater. Excessive water under your home can result in your home’s foundation destabilizing, and regular inspections can prevent small issues from becoming large-scale, expensive repairs.

Sump pumps require regular testing, but how often you need to test your home’s sump pump is usually determined by how it is used. Every three to four months is ideal for most pumps, although if used extensively, more frequent sump pump services may be recommended by our technicians. If you’re home uses a sump pump to dispose of washing machine water, your sump pump will naturally require more regular inspections. The type of water that runs through washing machines ends up soapy and grimy and can put additional stress on your water removal system. In homes with this type of setup, sump pump services may be required as often as every month.

Sump pump maintenance often involves checking the sump pit, inlet screen, clearing it out, and other crucial tasks, such as checking the condition of the power cord and electrical socket. Monthly checks may be less labor-intensive than quarterly inspections as the sump pump should experience less build-up, and deterioration will be noticed much more quickly.

Chances are, you might not remember exactly when your last sump pump inspection was completed. If you’re organized enough to keep inspection paperwork, you can keep an eye on how frequent your inspections are and continue to schedule them at appropriate intervals. If you’re unsure when your sump pump was last serviced, call a Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air engineer to discuss an appointment – it’s better to be safe than sorry! A professional inspector can locate and inspect your sump pit and perform vital maintenance tasks during sump pump services, especially if you have difficulty finding and maintaining your sump pump yourself.

2. Sump Pump Repairs

Should your sump pump inspection reveal any performance issues or require the replacement of parts, your Chattanooga, TN, home must receive the repair it needs before a disaster strikes. Swift repair is particularly important during the wetter months of the year or if you’ve noticed that your basement tends to flood after heavy rainfall. It’s impossible to guarantee when the next heavy rain or thunderstorm will hit your Chattanoogan home, so the repair shouldn’t be put off.

Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air technicians undertake common repairs through our sump pump services, including sump pit clearance and check valve repairs, as well as the impeller, float, and debris filter cleaning.

3. Sump Pump Installations and Replacements

Like many home appliances, sump pumps are not designed to last forever. Many sump pumps have an average lifespan of approximately ten years, although their longevity can be extended through regular maintenance. Inevitably, replacement tasks such as replacing the check valve or debris filter will occur at least once during its lifetime. The older your sump pump is, the more often it will need servicing, so it may work out more cost-effective to replace the whole thing at an appropriate time.

The technicians at Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air can assist you with replacing standard components, and when it becomes the right time to upgrade, we can also help you with choosing and installing the right system for your home. Sump pumps are typically designed to be useful across the entire basement level of your home, so it’s essential that your pump is the right size to cope with the level of rainfall in your area, as well as the size of your basement. Our technicians are familiar with sump pumps from all major manufacturers, and as we’re a local business, we know what will work best for you!

While age is a good indicator that you may require sump pump services soon, there are some common symptoms that Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air engineers can combat through the installation of a new system. Common scenarios that might require a replacement include:

  • Lack of power
  • Basement refurbishment
  • Basement flooding
  • Yearly usage
  • Excessive noise and vibrations

How We Can Help You!

Metro Plumbing, Heating & Air has been serving residents and business owners in Chattanooga, TN, for over three decades. As a family-owned business, we understand the need for you to protect you and your family at all costs. All of our professionally trained technicians have extensive background checks, HVAC experience, and are required to pass random drug and alcohol screenings. Every technician we provide will be friendly and professional, but most of all, we’ll get the job done as quickly and safely as possible. We can set up recurring service visits on days and times of your choice, or you can book one-off sump pump services.

We’re aware that sump pump services may be required at any time of day, so we’ve always got a master plumber and master HVAC technicians on duty at all times. Our staff is ready to assist 24/7, and you can easily schedule an emergency same-day service with upfront pricing options, so you know your repairs will not go over budget. Call for an immediate consultation, and we’ll schedule an appointment at your convenience.

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