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Use These 9 Tips to Maintain Your Septic Tank and Extend Its Life | Septic Tank Pumping in Chattanooga, TN

Use These 9 Tips to Maintain Your Septic Tank and Extend Its Life   Septic Tank Pumping in Chattanooga TN

Septic tanks are used in the home to dispose of wastewater. Septic tanks are large underground tanks made of plastic, fiberglass, or concrete. They have an inlet for your drain pipe which comes in from your house and an outlet which goes to the field lines buried in the yard. It allows solid waste to settle out and begins the decomposition process using the natural action of anaerobic bacteria.

Since they are used almost constantly, they do tend to wear down and require maintenance every now and then. However, in order to get the best out of your septic tank, you need to carry out a bit of servicing and maintenance yourself. This way you can avoid constant visits from your local plumber in Chattanooga, TN.

Inspect and Pump Frequently

The average septic system in a household should be inspected every three years or so. This is to be done by a professional local plumber in Chattanooga, TN. That professional would advise you to carry out a thorough Septic Tank Pumping in Chattanooga, TN every three to five years.

Any alternative systems which have electric float switches or mechanical parts need to be inspected more often; as much as once a year.

Four major factors which influence the frequency at which septic tanks need to be pumped are:

  • Household size
  • Mass of wastewater generated
  • The Volume of the solids inside the wastewater
  • Size of the septic tank

Look out for certain telltale signs as well such as slow to drain bathtubs, toilets which back up after flushing, etc, in order to identify if your septic tank needs to be pumped.

Locate Tank

You should locate the tank in the yard so it can be inspected in the first place. Septic tanks are located nearly five feet away from a home with the top buried several feet below ground. In order to carry out maintenance and carry out Septic Tank Pumping in Chattanooga, TN, you need to mark where it is.

The ground above septic tanks is usually very lush and greener than the rest of the patches on your yard. It is also located on the plans for your home which you can obtain from a county environmental office.

Use Water Efficiently

In a typical single-family home in the US, 70 gallons of water is used per individual a day. A leaky faucet or running toilet can waste as much as 200 gallons a day. That is not only tremendous waste but also damaging to your septic tank.

According to the EPA, you should use high-efficiency toilets which use 25-30% less water to cut down on water use as well as faucet aerators and high flow showerheads.

High-Pressure Water Jetting

Septic systems will accumulate solids and mineral deposits regardless of whether they have gone through proper Septic Tank Pumping in Chattanooga, TN. It’s your job to get that debris off the internal surfaces of the tank.

High-pressure water jetting is recommended every five years or so. This effectively eliminates any debris which can limit the system from operating at maximum efficiency.

Bacteria Additive

Bacteria additives matter because your septic tank gathers a lot of sediment and deposits. Using live organic bacteria which break down the presence of unnatural substances and solids like soaps and detergents which enter the tank is a much-needed process.

If common household substances get into the septic systems, they can kill off the naturally occurring bacteria which allow that system to functions properly. Hence, bacteria additives are an insurance policy which keeps pipes clean and odor free.

Effluent Filter

You should also install an effluent filter or get one installed by a local plumber in Chattanooga, TN. This prevents solids from building up in the first place and entering the drain field. New filters need to be installed and replaced every single time your system is serviced.

Some older systems do suffer from not having a filter and if you have one, you should inform a technician immediately so that they can install one before carrying out Septic Tank Pumping in Chattanooga, TN.

Properly Dispose of Waste

This is a no brainer. You should be responsible with the way you dispose of waste. You don’t want to have the local plumber in Chattanooga, TN come over to find that you’ve dumped trash down the toilet and that’s the reason your septic tank is broken.

Toilets aren’t trashcans and shouldn’t be treated as such. This will damage the plumbing in the home and will also damage the overall physical integrity of the septic tank.

A few things you can do to cut down on clogging drains with trash are:

  • Buy biodegradable toilet paper
  • Don’t flush down harsh chemicals like bleaches and drain cleaners
  • Don’t flush down dental floss, disposable diapers and female hygiene products, etc.

Maintain Drain Field

Your drain field needs to be maintained at all costs for the septic tank to function. You should avoid planting any gardens and trees near the septic tank. This will prevent roots or plants from penetrating the tank and growing and bumping against its internals. You should also avoid parking cars over the drain field.

The roof drains, sump pumps, and other rain-water drainage systems should also be kept away or pointed away from the drain field area. The excess water from them prevents or slows down the wastewater treatment process. This aggravates the process of Septic Tank Pumping in Chattanooga, TN as well.

Save Inspection Reports

As a homeowner, you should save any and all maintenance records and inspection reports of your septic tank unit. This helps the local plumber in Chattanooga, TN when he or she is called for routine maintenance or for major repairs.

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