Home 5 Plumbing 5 4 Key Considerations When Choosing Septic Tank Cleaning Service | Septic Tank Plumbing in Chattanooga, TN

4 Key Considerations When Choosing Septic Tank Cleaning Service | Septic Tank Plumbing in Chattanooga, TN

4 Key Considerations When Choosing Septic Tank Cleaning Service   Septic Tank Plumbing in Chattanooga TN
Photo By sonsart at Shutterstock

What Is a Septic Tank?

Septic tanks are made of fiberglass and concrete and are installed underground. These tanks are responsible for collecting the waste coming from a house. The waste containing water is organically processed in the tank. The bacteria in the waste allow solid particles to break down resulting in quick drainage of water. Therefore, septic tanks allow safe disposal of waste water.

Difference between Septic Tank Cleaning and Pumping

Septic Tanks cleaning and pumping are often used as synonyms. However, they are two very different things. Septic tank cleaning is a thorough process which involves the complete removal of all the wastes from a septic tank. This includes complete removal of all solid and liquid waste from the tank. On the other hand, septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN refers to pumping out the liquid and some solid content from the septic tank. Regular septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN can greatly improve the performance of your tank. Pumping the septic tank every 3-5 years can make the tank much more efficient.

What to Look For

Septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN is not a DIY task. You need trained professionals to perform this task. However, choosing a professional for Septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN is not easy. Given the wide range of options, you should always look for the following factors when choosing a contractor for Septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN.

License and Insurance

In the US, license is a pre-requisite for most plumbing companies to operate. Having no license means the company is not credible enough. When choosing a company for Septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN, it is important to check the license. If you are unsure you can always call the company and find out. A licensed company is likely to employ licensed workers. This means a licensed company is bound to provide better septic tank pumping facility.

Another key consideration in insurance. It is important to check the insurance policy of the company. This will ensure that any damage done to your property or septic tank during the job will be covered by the company. Also check if the company offers insurance to its employees. Septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN is a risky job. It can lead to serious injuries and potential health damages to the cleaners. Having an insurance will ensure that the customer is not liable to pay for any damage which is done to the employee during the job.

In all, having a license improves the credibility of the company. The insurance coverage saves the customers from paying for any loss and damage to the property and the employee.


Just like other technical service providers, plumbers in Chattanooga, TN receive technical training before they can start their professional career. When choosing a septic tank pumping company in Chattanooga, TN, it is important to check the experience of the company. It is also important to check the experience of the cleaner who is assigned to perform the task at your home.

Experience is a key indicator of the performance and credibility of septic tank cleaners. An experienced and qualified cleaner can pump and clean your septic tank in no time. The best septic tank cleaning and pumping companies hire qualified professionals and train them over time to add value to the company’s credibility.

Quality of Service

When a septic tank cleaner comes to your house, you will definitely expect high quality service and professional behavior. Septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN is a not a very pleasant job. The condition of your septic tank might even influence the behavior of the cleaner. Therefore, always go for companies which are known for professionalism and quality service.

You can watch out for signs for professionalism before a septic tank cleaner comes to your house. See how they respond to your phone call? How long was the wait time before you speak to the customer representative? How well did they respond to your phone call? Was the tone of the conversation friendly?

Once septic tank professional comes to your house, you can evaluate their professional behavior and quality of service. Were they polite? Did they clean your tank well in time? How well did they clear up the mess after the tank was cleaned?

All these questions are indicators of professionalism and quality of service. You can find many septic tank pumping companies in Chattanooga, TN, but only very few service providers are truly professional.


Reputation plays an important role in decision making. When looking for septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN, always go through the reviews on the company’s website. Facebook and other social media websites are also an important source of information.

Lastly, word of mouth can help you understand the company’s reputation. Feedback from friends and family can be valuable when choosing professional for septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN.

Keeping all the considerations in mind, Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air is the right choice for your septic tank pumping in Chattanooga, TN. Our professionally trained and licensed staff is there to help you solve all your plumbing problems. Be it fixing your clogged toilets or cleaning your septic tank, our experienced staff is always ready to provide quality service at an affordable price. We are just a call away. To know more about our services, contact 423-616-1025.

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