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Allergies and Clean Air

From mid-August until mid-September we get to enjoy the veritable bounty of allergens and sneezing fits known as Ragweed Season.  Even with the approaching colder months, these plants are scattering pollens into the air across the nation.  Even areas without ragweed are affected since the pollen itself can spread via air currents, traveling up to 400 miles away!  So if you’re looking at another terrible allergy season, get some relief by keeping your home clean!

Cleaner Homes for Cleaner Air

When it comes to clean indoor air, you need to start your efforts from the moment fresh air enters your home.  That means you need to avoid tracking in pollen, dirt, and other contaminants.  Leave shoes at the door and hang up jackets immediately to prevent tracking contaminants across carpets and rooms.  Especially during pollen-spreading seasons, be sure to wash clothes regularly to avoid pollen buildup in your home!

Even without tracking in contaminants, they’ll find their way in through open doors and windows.  Make sure that doors and windows are sealed, and try to keep them closed (even on nice days) until the end of September (or the current allergy season) to keep contaminants out.  Fresh air is great, but air filled with allergens is only going to make things worse for everyone.

Vacuum floors at least once a week to keep dust, particulates, animal dander, and pollen levels down in your home.  All fabrics and linens, whether it’s carpeting, curtains, bed linens, or upholstery on furniture will do their very best to trap and contain every speck of dust in your home, delivering a flurry of unwanted allergens the minute you sit down or rest your head against a pillow.  Clean curtains, vacuum upholstery, and sweep floors to remove as many of these contaminants as possible.  While you’re at it, use dust-covers for pillows and mattresses to decrease particulate collection.  If your mattress if over eight years old, you should consider replacing it as well!

Replace air filters and inspect air ducts for mold, dust, and allergens.  We recommend replacing air filters every 3-6 months depending on how often you use your central air system.  If you have heightened allergy symptoms during the year, consider upgrading to a HEPA air filter.  They’re larger and more expensive but only need an annual replacement and are far better at filtering out contaminants.  If you feel the rebuild is out of your current price range, consider upgrading to a pleated air filter instead.  The pleats in the filter create a larger surface area, aiding filtration!

  • Leave shoes and jackets at the door
  • Seal windows and doors until pollen season is over
  • Vacuum floors and clean upholstery
  • Use dust-covers for mattresses and pillow
  • Replace air filters regularly
  • Clean air ducts
  • Upgrade to a HEPA filter or a pleated air filter

Natural Remedies

If you’d rather avoid medicinal anti-histamines, try a few natural histamine blockers such as nettle-tea.  Taking a shower before bed will also help you to sleep since a quick rinse will remove pollen and dust, keeping your bed clothes from collecting dust and pollen during the night.  Another common remedy is to take a spoonful of local honey every day.  While a scientific study has yet to be performed verifying the allergen fighting effects of local honey, anecdotal evidence suggests it’s worth trying if you suffer from mild allergies.

Metro Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning is the service company you want!  Call us today at (423) 616-1025!

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