Home 5 Furnace 5 Dealing with a Dirty Flame Sensor | Tips from Your Cleveland, TN Heating and AC Repair Service

Dealing with a Dirty Flame Sensor | Tips from Your Cleveland, TN Heating and AC Repair Service

Dealing with a Dirty Flame Sensor   Tips from Your Cleveland TN Heating and AC Repair Service
Photo By Priceless-Photos at Shutterstock

We know you’re dependent on your heating and AC system to keep to warm and cozy against the cold weather in Cleveland, TN. But it’s likely that the furnace would begin to quickly cycle off and on. You may notice it struggling to stay functional and suddenly turning off to the pilot mode. You might even freak out thinking about the fortune it’ll cost to get the furnace replaced.

But there’s no need to worry, as you can identify the problem by yourself and the fix isn’t too costly either. This might only require an easy flame sensor cleaning that you can get done with the help of a heating and ac repair service in the Cleveland, TN area. But it’s good to have a basic knowledge about what a flame sensor is, its functionality and why it’s important to clean it.

Furnace Flame Sensor

Furnace flame sensor is a thin metal rod, which is an essential part of the furnace. It’s oftentimes bent, placed on the burner assembly lying before the pilot flame inside the furnace. When the thermostat signals the furnace to turn on, it opens the gas valve firing the gas in the combustion chamber where the igniter lights up the burners.

When the gas opens the sensor provides confirmation if the fire is lit. Its absence can lead to extremely risky situations, as the pilot light will go on and buildup dangerous gases at your place.

The sensor acts as a safety measure and shuts down the system automatically to ensure safety when flame isn’t detected. The latest units are designed to shutdown thrice before going into a lockdown, which then stays for an hour before trying again. This allows the gas buildup to dissipate. However, if the sensor fails to detect the flame, you’d have to survive without heat for an hour. It would result in wear and tear of the gear in the furnace reducing efficiency and leading to costly repairs.

Flame Sensor vs. Thermocouple

You’d find the two term being used interchangeably. Although they’ve the same purpose but they’re different things. In case the furnace employees an electronic controller, it has a flame sensor. Standing pilot furnaces which have pilot lights tend to use thermocouples. Its placed nearby the pilot light and measure if its functioning correctly. Whereas the flame sensors ensure that the burners are ignited when the gas is turned on.

Dirty Flame Sensor

Most of the times you’d find that the problem occurs due to a dirty or corroded flame sensor. As it’s usually immersed in flame, it tends to collect deposits of dust, carbon or other particles that burn on the sensor. These wires are highly delicate as they need to detect fire in a very short span of time. Hence, even the smallest amount of deposits can cause the sensor to fail. Thankfully, the issue can be resolved quite easily.

Detecting a Faulty Sensor

By noticing a few signs you can easily identify if the flame sensor is blocked, corroded or simply malfunctioning. If the gas burners turn off right after a couple of seconds of being lightened up, it’s a basic sign of a sensor issue. Take a quick look at the tip of the sensor, to check if it has turned black or is covered with soot. If that’s the case, you need to call a heating and ac repair service for a cleanup session. In case you notice the porcelain casing of the sensor cracking, you need to get it replaced by any heating and ac repairservice. The porcelain acts as an insulator keeping the sensor from getting grounded onto the bracket of the furnace.

What is the Solution?

The process of cleaning a furnace flame sensor involves multiple steps, which can be very tricky for a layperson. Do not try to attempt it yourself as DIY fixes can sometimes end up doing more harm. Get professional help from heating and ac repair services in Cleveland, TN. Call Metro PHA.

A dirty flame sensor can seriously impact the functionality of your heating system, and cause big problems when having to deal with the cold weather in Cleveland, TN. Not only can it affect the comfort level of your house, but it can also indicate other much more serious issues in the heating system that can lead to expensive repair and replacement jobs later.

For quick and easy cleaning, call in Metro Plumbing, Heating and AC for the service. They’re experts in handling issues involving the flame sensor or any other problems you might face with your furnace.

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