Home 5 Plumbing 5 Why Delaying Water Line Repair Is Bad for Your Home | Plumbing Service in Chattanooga, TN

Why Delaying Water Line Repair Is Bad for Your Home | Plumbing Service in Chattanooga, TN

Why Delaying Water Line Repair Is Bad for Your Home   Plumbing Service in Chattanooga TN
Photo by Faizal Ramli at Shutterstock

Did you know that close to 10 percent of homes in the United States waste around 90 gallons of water a day because of leaks? One of the causes is corrosion which can eat away at your pipes leading to water line problems.

If unchecked, this can waste water, hike up the water bills and even grow to lead to  water lines bursts and flooding.

Professional preventive maintenance can save the homeowners close to 10 percent of their water bills. Yet the bills and flooding will be the least of your problems once you find out what lurks in your leaky pipes.

Delaying a professional plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN may have damaging effects on your health. There are reasons why delaying preventive maintenance of water line can become damaging to your health.

Here is why you need to be calling for plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN to fix your waterline right now:

Poor Air Quality

Moisture from leaks can absorb into the building materials of the house such as the wood panels, wallpapers and even the insulation. This prolonged exposure to moisture can cause the growth of fungi and spores especially in humid weather of Tennessee.

Delaying plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN to fix the leaks can ultimately lead to a mold problem in the house. Most often, severe indoor leaks lurking inside the home’s walls can accumulate mildew, asbestos and mold.

These are usually invisible to the naked eye yet are a damaging indoor pollutant. Exposure to mold can severely affect the quality of air in your homes. Prolonged exposure to these pollutants may result in damaging effects on the respiratory system, especially if the ventilation system in the homes is limited in performance.

According to a study, inhalation of mold is dangerous to health. Breathing in spores can cause skin rashes, allergies and sore eyes. Additionally it can cause congestion, prickly throat and lung infections.

All this may add to further woes as frequent trips to the doctor increase and medical expenses hike. Additionally this will inflate the maintenance budget as the mold removal might require major repair of the affected walls, insulation and the ventilation system.

Regular maintenance and plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN will aid in early detection of leaks and mold problems even if they may not be immediately visible.

Poor Quality of Drinking Water

Pipes are susceptible to damage and corrosion. Ignoring timely maintenance and plumbing service is likely to deteriorate their condition until they collapse. Rust can accumulate on these pipes and mix with the water supply over time.

Discolored and murky water is usually a sign that there is pipe damage and rust is mixed in the water supply. Bacteria and mold is also likely to grow in this rusty water.

Although rust is not dangerous to consume, the presence of bacteria and mold in the water can make it difficult to ingest causing health problems.

Professional inspections and plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN can save your waterline and plumbing from reaching a breaking point. It will protect your water line from rust and you from ingesting contaminated water.

Contamination of Water

If you think the constant pitter patter of a visible leak is a nuisance, then you may have only hit the tip of the leak related problems.

Ideally your home requires regular plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN to ensure all the drainage system is working to its optimum. Delaying such services can increase the pipe damage over time.

Damaged waterline and pipe leaks can become a health risk as reported by BBC. Pipe leaks can often result in suction of sewage water into the water pipe, contaminating the water supply in the pipes. This can expose home owners to pollutants and pathogens from the contaminated water.

Consumption of such water can result in stomach related health issues and aches, as water borne germs are ingested. This will become detrimental to your immunity and healthcare costs in the long run.

Have a professional plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN tocarry out early detection. It will ensure the leaks are repaired and any possible contamination stopped in its track.

Reduction in Value of Property

Ignoring water line related problems can become unavoidable problems. The damage to plumbing setup can be so severe that it may require drastic reinstallations and replacements if not repaired on time.

Damaged water line and pipe system can be a leading cause of mold and reappearing problems such as flooding, leaks and burst pipes. It can create stains on the walls, an unappealing stink to linger in the air and damage the structure of the house.

All this may require major remodeling and repair. Faulty pipes and plumbing are not attractive to potential buyers since they point to bigger potential problems with the house.

In fact if your intention is to resale the property later, the damaged water line system can severely bring down the value of property. Hence delaying plumbing service will fetch a lower resale price.

To get the maximum out of your property and maintain its value, it is advisable to hire the best professional plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN for early detection of water line problems.

Professional Line Repair: A Preventive Measure for Your Home

As your home ages, it can develop leakages and corroding pipes, requiring repair and new installations. Damaged pipes, leaks, flooding and exorbitant water bills are just some of the issues you can face if the condition persists.

Regular upkeep and preventive maintenance can provide solutions against potential plumbing problems. Hiring the best in the industry can save your home and family.

At Metro Plumbing Heating Air, we offer a 24 hour emergency service for your convenience. Our expertise and licensed technicians will provide you with the best in plumbing options.

Trained to thoroughly inspect and detect plumbing problems, our seasoned plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN is guaranteed to leave you content.

Leave your water line problems to the best. Hire our wide ranging plumbing service in Chattanooga, TN, today at 423-616-1025.

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