Home 5 Septic 5 Everything You Need To Know About Your Septic System And Septic Tank Repair | Cleveland, TN

Everything You Need To Know About Your Septic System And Septic Tank Repair | Cleveland, TN

Everything You Need To Know About Your Septic System And Septic Tank Repair   Cleveland TN
Photo By KajaNi at Shutterstock

Septic systems are underground treatment structures that treat wastewater from your bathrooms, laundry, and kitchen. Homeowners need to know how the septic system works to avoid calling a plumber for a septic tank repair down the road.

Learn how to care for your septic system and the signs that your septic tank needs repair.

Caring for Your Septic System

There are things you can do to avoid a costly septic tank repair in Cleveland, TN. Below is the proper septic tank maintenance for a healthy septic system.

Use Water Efficiently

To maintain your septic system, we would recommend that you don’t waste water at home. An average family uses about 70 gallons of water per individual per day. The more water you use, the less water enters your septic system. If there are leaks, make sure that you fix that right away, so you don’t wastewater. Other things you can do to conserve water:

  1. Consider installing high-efficiency toilets as they use less water compared to regular toilets. It only uses 1.6 gallons of water per flush compared to 3.5-gallons gallons of water in a regular toilet. This way, you get to reduce the amount of water that enters your septic system. You can avoid having to call a plumber for tank repair down the road.
  2. Invest in high-efficient showerheads and faucets. These fixtures reduce the volume of water that enters your septic system and avoid a tank repair down the road.
  3. Buy high-efficiency dishwashers and washing machines. These appliances also use less water compared to their counterparts. While they cost more than the regular appliances, you get to save more on water and energy. It can also help to have to call a plumber for a tank repair.

Frequently Inspect and Pump

The frequency of septic pumping depends on the size of the household, the total wastewater, the size of the septic tank, and the solid volume inside the tank. Typically, your septic system needs to be pumped every 3 to 5 years or often, depending on the factors. Although the septic system has to be pumped every 3 to 5 years, it doesn’t mean that inspection isn’t needed. You’ll need to schedule a regular inspection with a plumber to avoid costly septic tank repair down the road.

During inspections, the plumber would examine the tank and if there are leaks. If there are other issues, he will make sure that it’s taken care of. The inspection goal is to ensure that the tank works properly and problems are resolved right away.

Inspections should be scheduled once a year. Make sure that you choose a reliable plumbing company to take care of the inspections. Contact a plumber at Metro Plumbing, Heating, Air and Septic today.

Dispose of Your Waste Properly

Remember: everything that goes down the drains ends up in your septic system. This means that whatever you throw down the drain also affects your entire septic system. To avoid having to call a plumber for a tank repair, you must know how to dispose of your waste properly.

A few things to keep in mind:

In the toilet, make sure that you only flush human waste. Avoid paper towels, non-flushable wipes, hair, hygiene products, or cat litter. Educate all the people in the household on how to properly take care of your drains to avoid calling a plumber for a repair.

You also need to remember that your septic system contains organisms that treat your waste, and pouring toxins down the drain eliminates these organisms. It’s going to harm your entire septic system. You can avoid calling a plumber in for a tank repair when you do these things:

  1. Never use chemical-based cleaners in fixing clogs. As much as possible, only use a drain snake. You may also use vinegar and baking soda or pour hot water down the drain to eliminate minor clogs.
  2. Don’t pour grease or cooking oil in the drain as they also damage your pipes. You can freeze your cooking oil and throw them in the trash.
  3. Paint, solvents, and toxic cleaners should never go down your drain.
  4. Limit the use of your garbage disposal.

Other Dos and Don’ts for Septic Tank Maintenance

Below are things you can do to maintain your septic system and avoid calling a plumber in for a septic tank repair.


  1. Maintain your drain field. Having trees can create a lot of problems for your septic system. As much as possible, avoid planting trees close to your septic system. That way, roots will not grow and bump into your septic system.
  2. Save all of your maintenance and inspection records. This will come in handy during scheduled maintenance of their septic systems. The records should be very detailed so the plumber will be able to identify existing leaks. If there are reported damage, make sure that you hire a professional for a septic tank repair.


  1. Never work with a maintenance specialist or a plumber qualified to do a septic tank repair, pumping, or maintenance. It will only create other problems down the road. When repair isn’t done correctly, you may have to pay more for repairs later. For qualified plumbers, contact Metro Plumbing, Heating, Air and Septic.
  2. Don’t wastewater. This is important for maintaining your septic tank system. You can reduce water consumption by investing in high-efficiency appliances and water-saving fixtures for your home. Periodically check your home for any leaks and then fix them right away. Leaks can waste thousands of gallons of water, and that’s not good for the septic system. You will also get skyrocketing water bills when you don’t fix water leaks promptly.

Water leaks can also damage your home’s foundation. Call a plumber immediately so they can help you address the problem.

Is my septic system failing?

You can prevent septic system failure and septic tank repair when you schedule regular maintenance with a plumber.

One sign of a failing septic system is foul odors. If you notice muddy waters around it, call a plumber right away for a septic tank repair.

When your septic system backs up, call a plumber immediately and don’t use the water at home as it might be contaminated with harmful bacteria and pathogens. You may also call the local health department for further assistance.

Household Appliances Affect your Septic System

Several homeowners are not aware that appliances can affect their septic system. For the hot tub, it’s advised not to drain it right away, especially when the water is still hot, as it can damage the septic system. To avoid calling a plumber for a septic tank repair, cool the water in the tub first before draining it.

Never ignore a running toilet as it wastes up to 200 gallons of water per day. The water wasted goes to your septic system.

Don’t overload your septic system by conserving water at home. It will avoid costly septic tank repair down the road.

Signs You Need Septic Tank Repair

Regular inspections are necessary to identify septic tank problems. However, homeowners also need to know the signs that they need tank repair.


This is an unpleasant problem in your homes. When the septic tank is either damaged or full, it’s no longer going to accept any more waste—the result: toilet issue. When the toilet backups and you’re certain that there are no other issues, the problem could be the septic tank. Either it’s full, or you need septic tank repair. For repairs, ensure that you only work with a licensed plumber in Cleveland, TN.

It’s important to identify that the septic tank is full so you can call professionals to empty it. Otherwise, sewage can also back up into your showers, floor drains, and sinks. You can avoid this problem with regular inspections of your septic tanks.

Tank Age

Like your plumbing, the septic tank doesn’t last forever. At some point, you’ll have to either repair or replace it. If your septic tank is more than 20 years old, expect to call a plumber for a tank repair. When you keep calling for repairs, it may be time to replace your septic tank completely. When installing another tank, make sure that you only work with a licensed plumber for the proper installation.

If you don’t know how old your tank is, the best thing you can do is schedule an inspection with a licensed plumber. They can tell whether it’s time to get a replacement or you need septic tank repair.

No Maintenance

Maintenance is necessary if you want to avoid calling for a tank repair in Cleveland, TN. You can avoid repairs when you schedule maintenance once every two years. If it’s been years since you had the last scheduled maintenance, you will highly likely experience problems down the road. To avoid tank repair and to ensure it works properly, call a plumber for a septic tank inspection.


When there is contamination in your groundwater, that could mean that you need a septic tank repair. That means that the tank is broken and waste is seeping out of it. Call a plumber immediately for a septic tank repair. Also, never use your water when it’s contaminated. There might be a need for you to do other procedures to help you get clean water again. Speak with a plumber at Metro Plumbing, Heating, Air and Septic for advice.

Septic Odors

When you smell an unpleasant human waste odor in your drains or the yard, you definitely need to call a plumber. You may need septic tank repair to alleviate the problem. You can avoid this problem with routine maintenance of your septic tank.

Puddles of Water

When your septic tank is either clogged or full, wastewater may rise and create puddles in the yard. This problem should be addressed immediately. Call a plumber in Cleveland, TN, so they can evaluate whether you need a septic tank repair or the tank needs to be emptied.

Slow Drains

Slow drains could be due to clogs. Other times it could be because your septic tank has problems. It’s best to call a plumber in your area so they can give you a proper diagnosis and solution to the problem. You may need a septic tank repair or a replacement, depending on the severity of the problem.

How to Know the Septic Tank Is Full and Needs Emptying

There are signs to help you identify if your septic tank is full. When you suspect it’s time to empty the tank, call a plumber right away to avoid having more unpleasant problems at home.

First, you will have trouble flushing because of the slow drainage due to a filled sewage tank. Another sign you should watch out for is when the water gurgles. If you’re certain that there is no problem with the plumbing, your septic tank could be full and needs to be emptied.

Other signs include having a healthy lawn, bad odors, and sewer backup. When you notice these, make sure to call a plumber in Cleveland, TN, right away so they can empty your septic tank. Also, make sure that you schedule maintenance to avoid septic tank repair down the road.

Call a Professional at Metro Plumbing, Heating, Air and Septic

If you need a plumber in Cleveland, TN, don’t hesitate to give us a call for a septic tank repair. We are more than happy to assist you at your most convenient time. At Metro Plumbing, Heating, Air and Septic, we guarantee results. We are committed to providing only exceptional plumbing services to all our clients. Contact us today for an appointment.

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