Home 5 HVAC 5 Vent Deflectors: Easy Energy Savers

Vent Deflectors: Easy Energy Savers

One of the more important pieces of advice an HVAC technician can give a homeowner pertains to air vents. For years, closing off an air vent to a room that no one used was considered a great way to cut down on utilities. But that practice has been proven to be detrimental to a central air system. A closed vent can cause airflow problems as pressure will build up in the ducts. Instead of directing the air into your home, the pressure will cause small leaks that will only get bigger. The buildup of pressure will also make the air conditioner work harder to distribute the air – decreasing efficiency and compromising the life of the unit.

While closing a vent to an entire room is not an efficient way to save money, there are other ways to maximize the air from your vents. You might have vents impeded by furniture or blowing into areas where the conditioned air is wasted. Vent deflectors help direct the air toward an area where it would be most beneficial to the home. Usually made of durable plastic, vent deflectors can be found at any home improvement store, are inexpensive and easy to install. They can also be paired with vent extenders for an even more focused angle if needed.

Vent extenders are a great way to maximize the efficiency of your central air system without compromising any of the components.

They are ideal for a variety of situations:

Air Vents Under Furniture:

Many homeowners simply close the vents that are under couches or behind drawers. A vent deflector allows the air to bypass the obstruction, directing the air to the side instead of forward (and into the furniture).

Air Vents Near Windows:

Windows are a source of heat in the warmer months and a source of heat loss in the winter. If you have air ducts near windows, the conditioned air will be affected by the temperature created. A deflector can help keep more of the conditioned air from being raised or lost – allowing you to save energy.

Air Vents Affecting Thermostats:

If an air vent is near a thermostat in your home, it can drastically affect the reading of the room temperature. An incorrect temperature reading will keep the system running longer or shorter than needed – which will not only affect the comfort of the household, but also damage your unit. A vent deflector can keep the air away from the thermostat, allowing it to get a more accurate temperature reading of the home.

Air Vent Over An Appliance:

If you have an air vent over an appliance that runs hot like an oven or clothes dryer, the conditioned air will be affected as well. Using a vent deflector will help keep the air cooling/heating properly and from compromising the temperature of the appliance.

Air Vent in Vacant Room:

Instead of closing off a vent in an unused room, a vent deflector and extender can be combined in a creative way to direct the air into the hallway. You will need to leave the door of the room open, but by keeping the curtains/blinds closed you will be able to better control the temperature in the room without hurting the ventilation system. If you need more control over the temperature of a single room, you might consider investing in a zoning system.

Could My Home Benefit from HVAC Zoning? 

Get the most out of your conditioned air! Keep your vents open and flowing for the best use of your unit. If you need any guidance with vent deflector placement or have any concerns with your central air vents, give us a call today at 423-616-1025 or 706-516-1980. Our HVAC technicians can help with any problems related to your heating and cooling system.

Metro Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning is the service company you want!  Call us today at (423) 616-1025!

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