Home 5 Plumbing 5 Why Septic Tank Plumbing Matters | Cleveland, TN

Why Septic Tank Plumbing Matters | Cleveland, TN

Why Septic Tank Plumbing Matters Cleveland TN
Photo By MementoImage at istock

An essential maintenance task that is usually neglected is the septic tank maintenance. A septic tank is perhaps the easiest thing to forget when the maintenance season arrives. This is happening due to the fact that the septic tank is usually located underground and in a good distance away from the property. Every household in Cleveland, TN, should arrange for a septic tank plumbing at least once every six months on to ensure that the tank and the adjacent sewage pipes are working properly and no pumping is required.

A neglected septic tank can have punishing effects for the house and the neighborhoods of Cleveland, TN, as it can lead to the appearance of strong odors, disruption in the use of the facilities and least but not last, a waste overflow that can ruin your day and even damage your property.

In this post, you will learn useful facts about this topic and how frequently professional septic tank plumbing can save you time and a ton of money!

Know Your Drain Field

Although a septic tank is an important part of the house’s facilities, it is hidden in a place below and away from your property. This place is usually located in the far-end of your house’s garden and it’s called drain field. It is important to keep your drain field clean of debris that can damage or block your septic tank. It isn’t uncommon for houses in Cleveland, TN, to require septic tank plumbing due to objects like leaves, small branches pests, and sometimes pests entering and contaminating the septic tank.

Moreover, it is essential to check, every now and then, the growth of any trees and plants nearby the site where the tank is hidden. Growing roots can attach themselves to the septic tank, or the nearby pipes, causing significant damage such as clogging or even water leaking. Inside the drain field is located the draining hatch which is used for septic tank plumbing and draining purposes. You should ensure that this hatch remains unblocked and fully sealed in order to avoid any odors or contaminants entering your tank.

Finally, you should make sure that you don’t place any heavy objects above your septic tank’s drain field such as concrete blocks, or vehicles as it will add stress in the systems underground and it might cause the tank to rapture.

When It’s Time to Call for a Plumber

Frequent septic tank plumbing and draining can guarantee the correct function of your wastewater system and the proper function of the facilities inside the house. However, a household can face certain challenges with its septic tank which can arise from pipe clogging or a leak in the system.

Those issues might affect your lifestyle by causing a disruption to your house’s facilities and comforts. In this part of the topic, you will learn what are the signs that your waste system needs urgent septic tank plumbing.

  • Bad Odor

Have you noticed recently a bad smell (the kind which can make you faint) emanating from the kitchen, the toilet or even your drain field? Your septic tank combines all the wastewater from your property and, unavoidably, when that tank starts to fail, a distinctive odor can alert you (and the rest of your neighborhood) that you are in need of urgent septic tank plumbing.

  • Water takes a long time to drain

Next time that you do the dishwashing, check whether the rate of which the wastewater goes down to the drain. If the water tends to stay make a puddle, it’s a sign that your waste tank might be blocked. If the problem happens to other facilities such as the bathroom or the shower, it might be useful to call a plumber to check if the pipes leading to the septic tank are clogged or the level of the tank is normal.

  • Unusual water puddles 

If you notice a water puddle that wasn’t supposed to be there, it is a sign that your tank is in need of septic tank plumbing. In case that your septic system was clogged by debris or simply the tank is full, it is necessary to call an expert plumber to inspect the system and if necessary, drain and clean your septic tank. If you don’t act fast on a tank overflow situation, your drain field might be contaminated with organic waste and the complimentary septic odor that comes with it.

  • House upgrades

Are you planning to run modifications to your house such as building another bathroom or adding a brand-new hot tub? Don’t forget to check with your local plumber if your septic tank is capable of accommodating the new extensions.

How to Avoid Emergency Plumbing

Having a septic tank in your property has undoubtedly a lot of benefits and if like the rest of the house, you take care of the waste system, you won’t have to worry about unplanned septic tank plumbing. In order to make sure that your wastewater system remains healthy, make sure that the tenants who occupy the house don’t drop items inside the drain which can cause a pipe clogging. Septic tanks weren’t designed to dissolve sanitary items or non-organic remnants!

Despite being durable and robust, septic tanks have an expiration date like the rest of your house’s facilities. If you or your familiars installed the tank, you can find out what material it was made of and how long it is projected to last until a replacement is necessary. Older septic tanks were made of concrete, but nowadays additional materials are used such as fiberglass, steel, and polyethylene.

If you are worried about your septic tank’s working condition or looking for a new tank, look no further. Metro Plumbing, Heating and Air works with plumbers who are highly experienced with septic tank plumbing issues in Cleveland, TN. Invest in your property and your well being by having a professional plumber to inspect your septic tank today!

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